Tour Details

  • Course No. : {{ }}
  • Brand : {{ }} {{ }}
  • Set period : {{ detail.convertDateString( }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
  • Tour period
  • {{ }} Day(s)
  • Cards accepted {{ }} JPY
  • Point of departure
  • {{'Departure', '') }}
  • Prefecture
  • {{ }}/{{ }}
This tour is a plan where participants meet and disband at the actual place, with no round-trip transportation included.
* All photos are for illustrative purposes only.
  • {{ }}
  • {{ }}
  • {{ }}
Important matters
Course dates
{{ detail.calendar.getDomeJourneyInfo()[index].p_journey_day }}
【Accommodation:{{ detail.strip_tags(journey.p_stay_place_name) }}】
The notation used in the itinerary
Explanation of transportation marks
  • Airplane
  • Bus
  • Train
  • JR
  • Ship
  • Walking
  • Car
  • Ropeway
Explanation of sightseeing marks
◎=Sightseeing inside facilities ○=Sightseeing alighting from the bus (no entering of facilities, etc.) △=Sightseeing from the bus window ▲=Sightseeing aboard vehicles or vessels(※)
☆=Shopping ★=Meals and Shopping
※Aboard a vehicle refers to riding aboard vehicles other than buses, such as trains and cable cars. Aboard a vessel refers to riding aboard vessels such as pleasure boats and cruise ships.
Tour conditions
No. of tour days {{ }} Day(s) Minimum number of participants {{ }}
Type or name of transportation facility {{ }} No. of meals Breakfast:{{ }}, Lunch:{{ }}, Dinner:{{ }}
Tour Conductor {{ }}    

Departure Date Tour Fee Table Calendar
If you click a date in the calendar, the screen changes to a reservation form.
The tour fee indicated on the calendar is for an adult.The tour fee indicated in parentheses ( ) is for a child.
Set period : {{ detail.convertDateString( }}
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
{{ detail.calendar.getThisFeeIsTheTourFeeCalculatedAsOf(detail.convertDateString( }}

Guide to Vacancy Information

  • Many places available
  • Some places available
  • A few places available
  • × Not available currently
On request ..... Booking on request
Once we receive a booking request, we will start arranging the tour. Please be reminded that the arrangement is not guaranteed.
※Vacancy information will fluctuate from time to time, so please refer to it as a guide. Please note that there may be occasions when the tour becomes fully booked before you complete your reservation.
: Tour departure has decided

Age Classifications

{{ detail.convertAgeClassificationString(age_info.p_pax_name) }}/{{ age_info.p_pax_age_from }}{{ age_info.p_pax_age_to}},
When you apply for this tour via the Internet, no application confirmation letter or pamphlets will be mailed to you.
Please confirm via the Application Completed e-mail", which will be sent to you after you have completed the application procedure, and the Member menu.
The details of the course can be confirmed via the Explanation of Terms & Conditions" displayed during the application procedure, so please print it out and keep it.
If you are unable to print it out, please contact us via the email address below.
You may, however, be sent an application confirmation letter and pamphlets, depending on the details of your application.

[Issue of Explanation of Terms & Conditions]

  • The Explanation of Terms & Conditions will be issued to you onscreen (HTML).
  • Depending of the method of application, it may be sent to you after the completion of you application.

2.Application for Agent-Organized Tour and Conclusion of the Tour Contract.

  • (1) Please apply by filling in the required details in the application form designated by the Company or offices commissioned by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Companies") and submitting the application form together with the application fee (All or part of the tour fee).
  • (2) The Companies may accept reservations for Tour Contract by telephone, mail or other means of communication. In such cases, the Tour Contract is not yet in effect at the time of the reservation, and, after the Companies have notified the client of the acceptance of the reservation, the client must submit the application form and the application fee, by the date specified in said notification. (In the case of reservations by telephone, etc., the contract will not yet be in effect.)
  • (3) The Tour Contract shall enter into effect upon the Companies' consent to the conclusion of the contract and receipt of the payment of the application fee (all or part of the tour fee). If the client fails to pay the application fee by the date prescribed by the Company, the reservation shall be voided
  • (4) When applying for a party or group tour, the Companies may conduct transactions concerning the contract with the party/group's representative, as the person responsible for the contract having all power of agency for the conclusion or cancellation of the contract.

3.Application Conditions

  • (1) Please make applications for 2 or more persons. However, this does not apply to one-day trips, courses using night buses and certain other courses.
  • (2) Persons who are under the age of 20 at the time of application will require written consent from a parent, except in cases where they fulfill the conditions stipulated separately by the Company. Furthermore, persons who are under the age of 15 at the time of commencement of the tour must be accompanied by a guardian. In addition, applications and participation by minors traveling together may be refused.
  • (3) Applications for tours aimed at specific traveler categories or tours with specific purposes may be rejected if the applicant does not meet the prerequisites designated by the Company, such as gender, age, qualifications, skills and other requirements.
  • (4) Persons who require special attention for reason of chronic illness, general ill health, pregnancy or disability, and persons with helper dogs, please advise the Company of such requirements when applying for the tour. The Company will accommodate such requirements to the extent deemed feasible and reasonable. All costs required for special measures taken by the Company based on the client's requests shall be borne by the client. Furthermore, in such cases, the Company may require the submission of a medical certificate from a physician or a designated "inquiry form". In all cases, due to the local situation or conditions at relevant institutions, and in order to conduct the tour safely and smoothly, the Company may require that the client is accompanied by an escort, at the client's expense, ask the client to change part of the contents of the course, recommend a different tour with a slower itinerary or reject the client's participation in the tour.

    Clients participating in a tour while pregnant are required to do so at their own risk. However, when boarding a plane from the 36th week of pregnancy onwards (within 4 weeks prior to the due date of the birth), or when the due date of the birth is not clear, the submission of a medical examination report is required. Furthermore, clients boarding a plane within 7 days of the due date of the birth must be accompanied by an obstetrician.
  • *(Note) Expectant and nursing mothers are to submit one copy of a medical certificate that has been issued within 7 days of the departure date, clearly stating that "it is safe to board an airplane". Please fill in the airline's designated consent form at the airport.
  • (5) If the Company determines that the client requires medical diagnosis or treatment by a physician during the tour, owing to illness, injury or other reasons, the Company shall take the necessary measures to ensure smooth operation of the tour. All costs resulting from such measures shall be borne by the client.
  • (6) Independent activities for reasons of the client's own choosing shall not be arranged. However, the Company may, depending on the tour course, arrange such activities under separate conditions. Furthermore, in the event that the client has to leave the tour group for reasons of their own choosing, they must first notify the Company, the tour conductor or the local attendant of the situation, as well as whether or not they will be returning.
  • (7) If the client fails to meet at the designated meeting place, such as the hotel or sightseeing spot, at the designated meeting time, without notify the Company, the Company may, in order to ensure the client's safety, take necessary measures with various relevant organizations in order to search for the client, regardless of whether or not they are accompanied by someone. In such case, the costs of the search shall be borne by the client.
  • (8) The Company may reject an application if it determines that the client is likely to cause trouble for other travelers or interfere with the smooth conducting of the collective activities of tour participants.
  • (9) Applications may be rejected if any of the following (1) to (3) apply.
    • (1) If the client is found to be a member of a crime syndicate, an associate member of a crime syndicate, a person affiliated with a crime syndicate, a company affiliated with a crime syndicate, corporate racketeers or other organized crime.
    • (2) If the client makes violent or unreasonable demands of the Company, speaks or acts in a threatening way or uses violence with regard to a transaction, or engages in similar behavior.
    • (3) If the client spreads rumors or uses fraudulent means or intimidation to discredit the Company, or engages in acts to interfere with the business of the Company, or engages in similar behavior.
  • (10) Applications may be rejected due to other operational reasons of the Company.

8.Included in the Tour Fee

  • (1) Fares and fees for transportation facilities, such as airlines, ships, railways and buses, which are specified in the itinerary (there are courses where clients can select the class and courses which use a particular class, and these are specified in the Pamphlets, etc.)
  • (2) Accommodation fees specified in the itinerary plus tax and service fees
  • (3) Meal costs specified in the itinerary plus tax and service fees
  • (4) Sightseeing fees specified in the itinerary
  • (5) Costs required in order to be accompanied by a tour conductor, for courses including a tour conductor
  • ● In principle, refunds will not be given for the above fees even if clients choose not to use part of the relevant services.

9.Not Included in the Tour Fee

  • Charges and expenses other than those specified in the preceding Clause 8, are not included in the tour fee. Some examples are as follows.
  • (1) Excess baggage fees (weights, volumes and quantities in excess of those set by each transportation facility)
  • (2) Laundry, telephone, additional meals and drinks and other expenses of a personal nature, as well as associated taxes and service fees
  • (3) Fees for optional tours only joined by those who wish to (mini tours for additional cost)
  • (4) Travel costs to and from the arrival/departure points, such as the airport, and accommodation costs for the day prior to the commencement of the tour and for the day the tour ends
  • (5) Fees for using airport traveler facilities
  • (6) Medical expenses for injuries and illness.
  • (7) Comprehensive insurance for domestic travel (voluntary insurance)

13.Cancellation of Tour Contract / Refunds

  • (1) Cancellations prior to the commencement of the tour
    • [1] The client may cancel the Tour Contract at any time by paying a cancellation fee as stipulated below. The "Tour Contract Cancellation Date" in the schedule below is based on the receipt and confirmation of a request to cancel on a working day during the Company's business hours.
  • Tour Contract Cancellation Date(Counting back from the day prior to the commencement of the tour) Cancellation fee
    [{{ row.index }}] {{ row.message }} {{ row.cancelPrice }}

    Note: "After the commencement of the tour" refers "The time the receiving of the provided services began", as provided for in the Special Compensation Rules, onwards
    Examples of "After the commencement of the tour"
    * In the case of the tour conductor, the Company's staff, or reception personnel receiving clients: the time when the reception procedure has been completed
    * In the case of the Company is not receiving clients and the clients have an airline ticket: the time when luggage inspections, etc., have been completed in the area of the airport where only passengers can enter
    * In the case of Tour Contracts including the use of a chartered ship: in accordance with the separately provided provisions for cancellation fees (including when specified in Pamphlets, etc.)


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